
Une Europe de la force.
Une Europe des valeurs.
Une Europe qui protège.

Ce n’est pas un hasard si les pères fondateurs de l’idée européenne ont placé sous contrôle européen les industries qui étaient considérées comme les forges d’armes des nations européennes: le charbon et l’acier. En 1950, l’objectif était de préserver la paix et de créer la prospérité. Aujourd’hui, les Européens doivent lutter pour leur futur rôle dans le monde globalisé. Il s’agit d’un changement de paradigme, passant d’une orientation nationale à une orientation mondiale. Pour y parvenir, nous devons unir l’Europe et la rendre capable d’agir à l’extérieur.

Positions pour la Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe

Our objectives
We want:

  • a sovereign Europe which is able to preserve the security of its own borders and citizens without dependence on third-party help
  • resilience and effective answers to symmetrical (i.e. military) and asymmetrical
    (i.e. terrorist threats, cyber-attacks) threats to the EUa transnational fight against crime in the face of transnational organisation of crime

Our ideas
We demand:

  • the use of PESCO to create common armed forces with land, air, and sea
    components by 2030
  • the participation of as many member states as possible in the defence union and
    extension of the existing civil and military structures of strategy and leadership to become a strategic headquarters
  • the reform of Europol to become a European FBI with rights of investigation and
  • a fundamental reform of judicial co-operation with the possibility of using active legal remedies in the European sphere
  • better transnational co-ordination of measures to tackle right-wing and left-wing extremism as well as Islamism
  • the creation of a European sanctions system of human rights violations based on the American Magnitsky Acts
  • the setting-up of a European cyber defence agency which protects European networks and critical infrastructure against cyber attacks
  • the creation of a joint scheme to share the burdens of registering, allocating and repatriating migrants, and a harmonised migration laws
  • the more extensive sharing of intelligence data in a Union of Secret Services
  • a binding co-ordination of national civil and disaster protection capacities and a joint European operation and emergency capacitythe creation of a European capacity in the health sector to better prepare for future pandemics

Our objectives
We want:

  • a European Union which speaks with one voice on foreign policy
  • the preservation of the multilateral order and export of our standards through treaties and co-operation
  • the ecological renewal of the Social Market Economy and a leading role in the fight against climate change to inspire other countries to follow suit
  • an organised neighbourhood policy with privileged partnerships to reap the full potential of existing treaties on association, free trade and co-operation for a comprehensive partnership
  • a new and more ambitioned partnership with Africa based on a change in paradigm in favour of socio-economic development and effective governance
  • a bold and constructive answer to China’s rise as a global superpower

Our ideas
We demand:

  • the far-reaching authorisation of the European executive in foreign policy
  • Free Trade Agreements and economic partnerships to be intensified as the cornerstone of European foreign trade policy; this includes investment protection and ambitioned climate change and labour security targets to prevent regulatory dumping
  • a resolved plan to admit the Western Balkans to the EU once they meet the Copenhagen criteria
    the consistent charging of ecological externalities and fixing of the trade with greenhouse gas pollution under international law; this needs to maintain our principle of openness to technological ideas
  • the foundation of an Energy Union without barriers for the Single Market
  • an ambitioned and rapid implementation of the European hydrogen strategy and the creation of cross-border value chains in the area of Power2Gas
  • the resolute defence of European interests in any dealings with China by means of an extension to the EU’s Trade Defence Instruments and detailed review of direct foreign investments in the EU
  • the joint development and implementation of a European strategy for dealing with Africa, based on the goal of an intercontinental free trade area
  • the transmission of competences on and resources for development policy to the European level.